Bedroom Tips

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Winter is over, so say goodbye to cuddling by the fireplace and Santa’s Little Helper lingerie (don’t worry—those panties will come back again next year!). Spring is the time in the world when nature renews itself; don’t you think it’s about time to renew your sex life? If your winter has been full of boring bedroom romps, you can use a few of these tips to put a real spring in your step this season:

Flirt with your lover

Whether you’re single like me (thank goodness) or have been married 20 years (props to you), you should make every bedroom session more spicy than the last. The best way to do this is to flirt with your lover. Whisper naught words at dinner. Send X-rated text messages before leaving work. Play for awhile before you get into the real love-making. Flirting will get you both fired up and ready to go before anyone even takes off their pants.

Buy some new under garments for your lover

Do well with your tax return? Take some of that money and splurge. Think of what your lover would be wearing in your wildest dreams—and then go buy those items. Wrap them up for your significant other or, if you are single, save them us a spur of the moment present for someone special you pick up. Alternatively, spend the money on yourself. Think about what your lover would die to see you wearing in bed…and then buy it.

Don’t have sex (Ouch!)

This may seem counterproductive, but in actuality, the best way to overcome the bedroom blahs is sometimes simply to take a break. Resist sex for a certain number of days, but have fun with the foreplay. After the set number of days, you’ll be so hot for one another that you’ll have to try if you want boring sex.

Kiss and tell

Speak up in the bedroom, and you’ll get your lover extra hot. You can recount past sexual experiences (only ones that include your lover though, please) if you’ve bee with your significant other for a while. If not, try telling your partner about a fantasy you have or a raunchy dream they’ve been in that you’d like to play out in real life.

Have an Easter egg hunt

This may seem a little silly, but if you really want to celebrate the holiday, hide a bunch of plastic Easter eggs for your lover. Inside each one, have a slip of paper with a prize—like a back massage or oral pleasure—or hide a tiny gift—like a condom or sample packet of lube. Don’t forget to make good on your promised prizes when all of the eggs are found!

About Author

Romeo is a Romance Resource who writes exclusively for Got to Have It Romantic Gift Creations and is here to guide you through the trials and tribulations and the ups and downs of dating and romance. To read more of his guidelines to the game of love, or to find a special something for your loved one, visit For specially crafted upscale Romantic Gifts also visit
